#define OBJNAME_LABEL "Alerter Label" #define OBJDESC_PATTERN "Alert_" #property indicator_chart_window extern bool EmailAlert = true; extern bool PopupAlert = true; int init() { createIndicatorLabel(OBJNAME_LABEL); } int deinit() { ObjectDelete(OBJNAME_LABEL); } int start() { // Iterate over objects on this chart for (int i=ObjectsTotal()-1;i>=0;i--) { string sObjName = ObjectName(i); double dObjPrice; int iObjAlert; int iProximity; string sMessage; // Can we get a price for this object? If not, continue iteration dObjPrice = getObjectPrice(sObjName); if (dObjPrice == -1) continue; // Is there an alert on this object? If not, continue iteration iObjAlert = getObjectAlert(sObjName); if (iObjAlert == -1) continue; // Is the line within alert proximity? If not, continue iteration iProximity = MathAbs(Bid - dObjPrice) / Point; if (iProximity > iObjAlert) continue; // Fire the alert and clear alert from description sMessage = "Alert triggered: " + Symbol() + "@" + DoubleToStr(Bid,Digits) +"." + " " + iProximity + " pips from " + sObjName + "."; if (PopupAlert) Alert(sMessage); if (EmailAlert) SendMail("Alert on " + Symbol(), sMessage); // Clear the alert from the object description clearObjectAlert(sObjName); } return(0); } double getObjectPrice(string sObjName) { int iObjType = ObjectType(sObjName); // if it's a horizontal line... if (iObjType == OBJ_HLINE) return(ObjectGet(sObjName,OBJPROP_PRICE1)); // if it's a trend line... if (iObjType == OBJ_TREND) return(ObjectGetValueByShift(sObjName,0)); // otherwise... return(-1); } int getObjectAlert(string sObjName) { // looking for pattern "alert_##" at end of obj description string sObjectDesc = ObjectDescription(sObjName); int iPatternOffset = StringFind(sObjectDesc,OBJDESC_PATTERN); int iPatternLength = StringLen(OBJDESC_PATTERN); // if pattern not found, no alert for this object if (iPatternOffset == -1) return(-1); // return value after the pattern as number //Print("Alert: ", StringSubstr(sObjectDesc,iPatternOffset+iPatternLength)); return(StrToInteger(StringSubstr(sObjectDesc,iPatternOffset+iPatternLength))); } void clearObjectAlert(string sObjName) { // strip "alert_*" from end of obj description string sObjDesc = ObjectDescription(sObjName); int iSubStrOffset = StringFind(sObjDesc,"Alert_"); // if found at start of description, clear description if (iSubStrOffset == 0) { ObjectSetText(sObjName,""); return; } // if found further on in desc, strip it from description if (iSubStrOffset > 0) { ObjectSetText(sObjName,StringSubstr(sObjDesc,0,iSubStrOffset)); return; } } void createIndicatorLabel(string sObjName) { // Set the text string sObjText = "Alerter:"; if (EmailAlert) sObjText = sObjText + " Emails Alerts ON."; else sObjText = sObjText + " Emails Alerts OFF."; if (PopupAlert) sObjText = sObjText + " Popup Alerts ON."; else sObjText = sObjText + " Popup Alerts OFF."; // Create and position the label ObjectCreate(sObjName,OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0); ObjectSetText(sObjName,sObjText,8,"Arial",Yellow); ObjectSet(sObjName,OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,5); ObjectSet(sObjName,OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,5); ObjectSet(sObjName,OBJPROP_CORNER,1); }